Power Conditioners Testing services

The power conditioner is the critical equipment for grid connection of renewable energy. The performance of the power conditioner is crucial to the power supply quality and safety of the power system. It must be tested according to national standards. TERTEC cooperates with UL USA to establish the first power conditioner laboratory in the Asia-Pacific region. TERTEC can conduct test for the characteristics of small power conditioner and provide certification service for domestic and foreign power conditioner companies.

Services For:
Power Conditioner.

Service Contents:
Grid-Connection Test of Power Conditioner.

In Accordance With:
IEEE 1547.1、UL 1741。

Accreditation Institutes:
Bureau of Standard, Metrology and Inspection, MOEA, Taiwan Accreditation Foundation, UL USA.

For more information, please contact:
Ms. Fan-Chiang+886-3-4839090 # 3356

Technical Consulting please contact:
Mr. Su+886-3-4839090 # 9105